Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 6 with Lily

Today was yet another great day!!!! We finished our Visa paperwork, played at the hotel, our guide took us to Dim Sum and shopped at a few of the local shops. Lily has a fascination with my hair so several hours in the afternoon she played with my hair, brushed it and put hair ties in it. She was having a blast and so was I. We walked the grounds and found a ton of Koi fish. She loved them! She has been fighting a cold so our guide got us some Chinese herbal medicine from the pharmacist and I kid you not she has not coughed from the moment we gave it to her..... Shawn says we are buying 10 bottles and raising the price for our US friends! LOL She fell asleep at 745 and we have been hanging out in the hotel room watching the discovery channel. Precious mommy and daddy time! Love it! Tomorrow is reading the TB test results and some sightseeing with our guide. We were going to go to the zoo but since we don't go to the clinic until 230 we decided to forego that idea. 

 Lily and mommy at breakfast
 She is telling me all about the fish
 Koi ponds at the Garden Hotel
 A lady gave her a piece of bread to feed the fish
 Checking things out

 Christmas tree in our lobby from the 3rd floor
 Mommy and Lily again
 She loves bows now
Lily LOVES Lakelin and wanted all of us to hold hands while we were shopping


  1. This made my heart so happy. Praying for a clean bill of health so you can go home :)

  2. Awww! She is so so cute! And little!! I am glad you are enjoying GZ! Get ready for some nasty weather at home! Enjoy the hear while you can ! :)

  3. I just have to say I love the picture where she is telling you about the fish.
