Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch and Carving

Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch with our best friends and neighbors to pick the perfect pumpkin. In Washington we get TONS of rain. We managed to miss the down pour out there. Tonight we carved them.

 Fall City Farms with Dave, Nancy, Gavin and Paige (Neighbors)
 Mason (he is in love with his Seahawks hat) Shawn and Landon
 Family Photo
 Mason, Landon and BFF Gavin
 Nancy and Paige
 Landon picking his favorite pumpkin
 We told the boys that they needed to be able to carry it back to the car so Landon is testing his strength
 Landon and his pumpkin
 Mason on his "cinderella" pumpkin
 Landon and Mommy
 Mason and Mommy
 Paige (she is one month younger then our Lily) found her pumpkin that she could carry
 Daddy and Mason
 After the patch it rained and we got a beautiful rainbow across the freeway
 The boys carving their pumpkins tonight
 Landon sorting out seeds
 Mason digging away. He can't stand the feeling of the "guts" of the pumpkin
 Daddy helping them out

 Mommy and Mason
Mason digging away

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