About Lily

These are the first photos that we saw of her in November when we accepted her referral.

Lily (Li Juan, Chinese name) was born Jan 9, 2010 in Bobai China. She is profoundly deaf. We don't know very much about her except that she was left at a park entrance with a note attached to her with her birthdate on it. I am not sure if she has siblings, if her mom had prenatal care during her pregnancy, or if she was only dropped off because she was a girl. Whatever the reason may be we were ment to be her forever loving family. We receive updates as we pay for them ($80 per 4 pictures and medical update). The last one we received was on 8/21/12. She is 26.5 pounds, 32 inches tall, with 5.5 inch feet. She is on target with other kids her age except for her language (as to be expected) due to her deafness. In China there is NO communication for deaf children. If they are not adopted out they are sent off to institutions.

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