Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mason turned 8!!!

Oh my goodness, where did time go??? Our baby turned 8 on September 21st. 8 years ago we were sitting at Madigan Army Medical Center awaiting our first born child to arrive. I would have to say that was the worst 9 months of my life but in the end became one of the best 9 months of my life. The day before my husband left for a year tour in Iraq we had a positive pregnancy test. Shawn boarded a plane to Iraq for a full year and I began throwing up. Non-stop throwing up 24-7, in and out of the hospital, multiple drugs to combat my symptoms, and endless IV treatments. Needless to say it was not how I had pictured pregnancy in my head. This began Jan 2004 and September 21, 2004 Mason Arthur Martinell joined us. He was 8 pounds 12 oz and 22 inches long. He literally sucked the life out of me and used it for his own good. My precious baby is now off the charts in height, 50 percent for weight and thriving in 2nd grade. We can't be more proud to be parents to this precious boy.

Mason, mommy and daddy love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow up to a young man. Love always, Mommy

                                      Landon and Mason wanted a picture of them "fighting"
                                            Mason and Landon actually loving each other
                                  25 kids in the pool! Thank goodness it was not at my house!!!

We also got an e-amil from our agency today stating that if we did not have our LOA from China by Friday then we would be waiting until at least October 12 to hear anything. China is going to celebrate the moon and shut down all government businesses. *sad face* I guess a few families got TA's on Monday that had LOA's of July 9th. Let's go China!!! We want Lily!

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