Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Update with no real update

We are at the 53 day mark waiting on our LOA!!! Urrrggg, I am getting so frustrated with this process sometimes. My baby is being taken care of by a complete stranger and I can't help but be upset. I just want her to be in my arms right now. Plus, she needs to start learning sign language as soon as possible.  I know everyone means well when they ask "Have you gone to China yet?" or "Do you know when you are leaving yet," but it is crushing when I have to respond with "No word yet." *sad face* It is like being pregnant and everyone calling or texting "Have you had the baby yet?" I get it everyone is super excited for you but I am super sad that we are still on American soil waiting!

On a side note, both boys have started school. Mason is almost 8 and in 2nd grade and Landon is 5 and started full day kindergarten. They both are loving every minute of it. Here in Washington we have a choice to put our kiddo in full day kinder or the half day option. There is a catch to the FDK (full day) you have to pay tuition. Oh well, he gets great education and it would be the same for childcare if we had to do that.

                                        Mason making a goofy face for his 1st day of 2nd grade.
                                                   Landon on his 1st day of kindergarten.

Some of you also know that we are totally crazy and decided to buy a new house during this whole process. It happens to be a short sale so yet again God is testing my patience. We bought our house 6 years ago at the height of the market. It is 1300 square feet, 3 bed and 1.5 baths and with the addition of Lily soon we decided to upgrade. We are, fingers crossed, moving into a 3000 sq foot house just down the hill from us with 4 beds, office, 2.5 bath and on half an acre. It even has a master bath and a 3 car garage!!!! (I don't have a master bath. I share with 3 boys) Yeah mommy!!!! 3 car garage equals TONS of space for all the Army and Police gear that my husband has. AMEN!!!

One last thought...... Shawn and I have prayed really hard about this adoption and God has provided us with all the amazing funds we need. We have had a small amount donated to us but the majority of the funds have come from ourselves. (Police, Army reserve, and Medical Assistant pay is not great) so I have been pondering the idea of the coffee fundraiser that I see on a lot of adoption blogs. My only goal to to raise enough money for me to stay home the full 12 weeks of my FMLA. My job does not have maternity/ adoption leave. Since I only work part time I don't accrue much personal time off. So, if you feel it in your heart to give it would be much appreciated.

Our coffee store front is up and running now...... www.justlovecoffee.com/lilymei

For now, Stephanie

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