Monday, December 17, 2012

1 week

Today we had TB tests read. We have been cleared medically. Amen! We all passed TB so we decided that we would head to the zoo. As we pulled in Lily passed out. I would say if you are here in Guangzhou don't go to the zoo. I think the conditions are awful for the animals. We saw lots of them but the conditions are nothing like we have in the states. I really don't think Lily got too much out of it. All in all a great day yet again. This little princess is truly a princess in every way. She loves everything girly. She is such a blessing to us already. I am more in love with her everyday. She is so funny! She dances, sings, and is a "ham" for all of us. She just loves Lakelin and I am so sure she will miss that little girl. I guess we are going to have to visit Iowa! 
 Lily asleep at the zoo
 Brown bear begging for food from a lady

 These were the conditions.... No water, cement and very little area for each animal. I was SO mad!!!
 The 4 girls from our agency!!!!
 She loved the pigs

 An entire and I mean entire roasted duck
 Lily and Lakelin on our walk back to the hotel
 First shoulder ride on daddy and she loved it

1 comment:

  1. I should have warned you about the zoo. That completely depressed me. I wanted to leave immediately.

    Love seeing her smiles! Looks like things are going awesome. We stayed in the same hotel. It is the nicest hotel I have stayed at anywhere!!

    Laura (Bobai group)
