Thursday, December 13, 2012

Yet another free day

Today was much better with Lily. She has finally opened up her shell and is having fun with mommy and daddy now. She is laughing and playing with us. She even took her shoes off (this is HUGE!!!!) She has screamed like mad when I took them off before and even slept in them.

I am SO bummed that we have not been able to go to her village and see anything. I have been following some other blogs and they have been able to travel the 3 hours to visit where their child lived. Not us..... It breaks my heart that we are not able to see where she has spent the last almost 3 years. I really wanted to get something from where she lived so that she can have it forever. In Bobai they weave all kinds of things by hand. That is their major trade. Luckily we were walking around here in Nanning and found an "expo" that had a booth of weaved items from Bobai!!!! We bought this beautiful lamp. It was hard to communicate with the guys from there but he figured out that Lily was from there and brought us (as we were walking away) a paper that explained the weaving process and where they were made (in English too)!!!!! Thankful for the lovely man!

We got our paperwork and are waiting for her passport tomorrow then off to Guangzhou for our final week!!!!! Super excited!

Today we met another family that is back visiting where their 8 yr old twins are from. They got to go to meet the girls' foster mom and exchange pictures. They even go to see their finding place. What an amazing day for them. We had dinner with them in the hotel and played soccer in the hallway with the girls. They even gave Lily a stuffed panda as a welcome to America gift. It was SO precious. Their mom even had pictures of them 6 yrs ago playing in the same spot we were tonight!!! Precious!!!!

We also ate at Pizza Hut for lunch..... it was the BEST food I have tasted in forever!!!!!! Probably not but sure feels like it when you have not eaten in a week! I even got a Pepsi with ice (unheard of here)

 Believe it or not that is a 24 month outfit and the pants are falling off of her.
 Being silly in the room with Daddy

 Dinner last night
 This is for Landon!!! Here you go buddy. You could live in China now!
 Out for a stroll
 Shawn's new patrol car.... Honda Accord

 Shopping mall we found. Looks ok but not really
 She was in the process of signing I love you
 Playing in the hallway of the hotel

 Rebecca and Elana, Twins that were adopted from Nanning 6 years ago. Back to see where they came from.
 Her shoes are off......
Naked feet


  1. We loved China! It was sometimes difficult adjusting, but try to be in the moment and absorb what you can of the culture. You can share these details with your daughter some day! Try and remain positive! Remember China is a part of who your daughter is. I missed it when I left. I only became homesick in the last few days. I loved the adventure of it all. I am so happy to see your daughter smiling!!

    Sending you hugs!
    Laura (from Bobai group)

  2. Thanks Laura!!!! I am doing MUCH better today!! We are really enjoying it and have a great time now. I just think hormones got the best of me. Darn those things! Our guide is going to try to get a hold of the orphanage to see if we can have contact with Lily's foster mom. I would LOVE to keep that relationship and send her pictures of how she is thriving. Thanks for the hugs.... I feel them!!!
