Sunday, December 9, 2012

Nanning China

 Subway for breakfast
 Our gate at Guangzhou airport
 Nanning airport baggage claim
 View from our hotel 9th floor
 Our room
 Lily's goodies waiting for her
 Lily's bed
 Lobby of our hotel
 Nanning's people park
 Scooters are the main mode of transportation
 Park 2 blocks from our hotel..... BEAUTIFUL
 Girls playing in the park
 Lake in the park

 Cute ladies doing Thai Chi
 Beautiful bridge in the park
 Amusement park in the park

 This is for Dave!!! Small little bar at the outskirts of the park. PBR for you Dave!!!!
 Spongebob in Chinese for Mason
 Open air market we found

We have made it to Nanning and awaiting Lily's arrival this afternoon. We are sitting here on Skype with the boys, my mom and my sister while we wait for the orphanage director to bring her to us. I will post pictures of her this evening.

It has been really warm here. We packed for 40's but it is close to 70's and 80's. Our room has air but it is not powerful so I would say it is 80 in here! The beds are like sleeping on concrete. My hips are killing me from the lack of softness in the bed!!!!  At least we can now access this blog thanks to Pandoapow and my sister asking all our friends on FB how to route us around the internet blocks here in China. Stay tuned for Gotcha pictures!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have been checking all day. Horray and horray. Praying for you all!!!
