Monday, December 10, 2012

Gotcha Day

Today was amazing!!!! We had Skype on with my family watching as the orphanage director and our interpreter brought Lily to our room. When we opened the door she started to cry right away. She held on to the director and sobbed. We spent about 20 mins with them in our room then she handed her over to me and left. Poor Lily just cried and watched the door as I held her. After about 30 mins of whimpering and a little crying she settled in with me. We decided to take a quick walk around the park to cool off. (so hot in our room and she had 4 layers on.) When we got back from the park we ate dinner in our room so that she could play with her toys and get to know us a little more. Poor thing has hardly eaten a thing. She love the Gerber stars that I brought for her. They gave us some toddler formula and told us to feed it to her with a spoon..... Weird.... We tried but she didn't drink any of it. She is so mid mannered with great facial expressions. She does use some of her own "sign" but quickly picked up on things I was signing to her. She loves to sign baby and see!!!! Being on the 9th floor is super cool for a 2 yr old. She took a bath really well with out a single fuss. Her and I cuddled on the bed and before we knew it she was out. Hopefully she sleeps all the way through the night. More pictures to come but we are tired and off to bed ourselves.


  1. Thank you Lord! You got her!!! I love her smile and the pix with daddy. You both radiate joy! I will continue to pray for this transition!

  2. She is so beautiful!! I am in tears reading this! Congratulations you guys!
    -Amy Lee

  3. Congratulations! She is beautiful! It is great to read she is doing all right. Wishing you all the best.


    Marian, mom to another beautiful bobai-child ;-)

  4. Thanks everyone! We are both in LOVE!!!!
