Friday, December 7, 2012

Leaving for China

Waiting at Seatac for our delayed flight to Seoul Korea. Can't believe that we have waited a whole year for this flight. We are currently delayed for an hour and 40 mins because of heavy snow in Seoul. Hopefully we will not be delayed any longer because our original layover was 3.5 hrs now we only have an hour between flights.

Thanks to everyone for all of the prayers and we will attempt to post daily. I know there are many of you that are checking. Love all of you!!!

Mason and Landon, Have so much fun with Nana, Papa and Auntie. Be good and we will Skype with you guys soon. Mommy and daddy love you tons. Big hugs and kisses!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shawn & Stephanie!

    We at the Bobai Yahoo group are so excited for you. I can't wait to follow your journey. Please post lots of pictures and details if you can! Sending you prayers and hugs and patience as you become a family!

    Love, Laura Clemens
    MI - Mom to Bailey from Bobai - Moderator of Bobai Yahoo Group
