Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Free day in Nanning

Today has been hard.... I think I am having post adoption depression!!! I really miss the boys and home more than anything ever! I cried all last night and a little today. I have already lost 5 pounds because I don't like the food and stress. Lily had a really tough night and nap today. I think she had to poop and once she did she has been a happy little girl.

We went to Wal-mart last night and did some walking around. We are so isolated here. We have not seen any other Americans here and everyone stares at us like we are weird. I know I am excited to leave to Guangzhou on Friday just because we are on the last leg of the journey and we can see some other Americans.

We signed all our paperwork and Lily is officially ours. We just have to make that last stop at the US consulate for medical, Visa's and final oath that we will never abuse or abandon her. If we didn't have all this paperwork we would be out of here so fast!!!!

We are going to head out to dinner. Tomorrow we are on our own yet again..... ugggg!


  1. It's such a joy to see these pics and hear how things are going. So many emotions in such a huge transition. Your reaction to just want to move on with it and be home with all who love you is totally natural. I hope you can enjoy this precious once in a life time moment to have alone time to bond with Lily. Hang in there. Sending lots of love all the way to China! -Auntie Jenn

  2. Thanks Auntie!! It is a gift to have this time with her. I will never have that again. My heart is in 2 different places and I could have never imaged how hard that would be. I know God is good and taking care of every need we have. Today was much better emotionally. Thanks for the love and can't wait for her to meet everyone.
    Elizabeth, Thank you so much for the prayers! I am feeling them today! (I think it was time delayed) LOL ;)
