Thursday, December 20, 2012

Last day in Guangzhou

We are headed home in the morning!!!! Whoohooo.... We have had a blast but are very ready to be home with the boys and the rest of the family. I could not access the internet last night to upload pictures from our consulate appointment so here they are. Yesterday we went to the Jade and Pearl Market after our consulate appointment. WOW..... I am just glad that we had our interpreter with us to help us out. He has been amazing to us. Today we went on an adventure with Kim, Doug and Lakelin. We tried to find some outdoor market for kids clothes with no such luck! It also took us 45 mins to get a cab. We kept getting bypassed for some reason. After shopping we had a nice Italian dinner as our celebration dinner. We got the kids' visas and papers to enter the US tonight too!!! We are ready! 
 Lily in the play room
 Lily in her pretty consulate appt outfit
 Daddy and Lily
 Mommy and Lily
 Lily and Lakelin
 Lily on our way to the consulate
 No camera's allowed inside so we took a picture in the lobby
 Mommy and Lily at the Pearl market

Visa paperwork to enter the states..... DO NOT OPEN!!!

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